Population Infinite: History, Myth, Future in Machine Learning generated Symbols

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Machine Learning • AdTech• Storytelling



We are currently living in a society that operates under the principle that one body equals one agent, one vantage point, one identity. But near-future technologies may be creating a future in which the notion of a single personal identity becomes outdated. That future includes: machine learning techniques that make emulating the style and behavior of other people fast and easy; widely available AR/VR headsets that get people to identify with however many bodies they choose, instead of those they were born with; cryptocurrencies enabling the adoption of pseudonymous economic identities to transact pseudonymously across the planet. This is a course where we get to explore and anticipate the utopian and dystopian aspects of this weird future of identity by designing weekly interventions for obfuscating, simulating, multiplying, and merging ourselves online and offline.

Key contributions
Population Infinite is ideal for people interested in the applications of machine learning in Ad Tech.
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Machine Learning • AdTech• Storytelling

We are currently living in a society that operates under the principle that one body equals one agent, one vantage point, one identity. But near-future technologies may be creating a future in which the notion of a single personal identity becomes outdated. That future includes: machine learning techniques that make emulating the style and behavior of other people fast and easy; widely available AR/VR headsets that get people to identify with however many bodies they choose, instead of those they were born with; cryptocurrencies enabling the adoption of pseudonymous economic identities to transact pseudonymously across the planet. This is a course where we get to explore and anticipate the utopian and dystopian aspects of this weird future of identity by designing weekly interventions for obfuscating, simulating, multiplying, and merging ourselves online and offline.