Januor: Technology for 3D immersive Internet experiences

My Role

My Team

Augmented Marketplaces • WebVR • Machine Learning for Art • Server Technology • Live Web • Framework
Januor, Inc. provides solutions for the server side and has a brilliant functioning client side. An alternative to Amazon Web Services (AWS), Januor Web Services provides all you need on the server side! You may also use JWS as an add-on to your AWS worries! Januor is also an eCommerce platform where one can exchange experiences such as VR/AR and XR, Mixed Reality. For more technical information view my github that I built in New York City and my NYU portfolio.



Augmented Marketplaces in the ZIP Code are possible. More than an Amazon style “virtual store” but an entire marketspace for AdRoll to place ads and collect metadata of a gamut of pigeon easy immersive experiences assisted by chatbots is possible with emerging technologies such as WebVR/XR, Machine learning, and Immersive Live Web. For instance, a PLAG of the NFT pegged exhibition of Machine Learning GAN art I made at New York University. Some technological and entrepreneurial themes explored are human-computer interfaces and cloud enterprise services for 3D immersive experiences, where Januor is pitched as a viable alternative technology to Amazon Web Services. Given my background in Product Interactivity and Operations and Design of Hybrid Teams and Remote Work Spaces, I take inspiration from work I've done with clients such as Second Life, and IMVU to build applications that gives users opportunities to collectively interact in emerging experiences within their ZIP Code and beyond. Impact of Artificial Intelligence on sum of interactivity in society and NFT as a unit of welfare economics enabling monetization of applications of TensorFlow is another theme that is explored.

Key contributions
JANUOR: TECHNOLOGY FOR AUGMENTED VIRTUAL INTERFACES IN THE POST-PANDEMIC WORLD Markets fascinate me and how people interact under normal market conditions bores me. I utilize technology to augment experiences in the marketplace. In this quest I have built a technological framework Januor that enables multiple close proximity immersive live internet experiences, called PLAG within a 3D marketplace.
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Augmented Marketplaces • WebVR • Machine Learning for Art • Server Technology • Live Web • Framework

Augmented Marketplaces in the ZIP Code are possible. More than an Amazon style “virtual store” but an entire marketspace for AdRoll to place ads and collect metadata of a gamut of pigeon easy immersive experiences assisted by chatbots is possible with emerging technologies such as WebVR/XR, Machine learning, and Immersive Live Web. For instance, a PLAG of the NFT pegged exhibition of Machine Learning GAN art I made at New York University. Some technological and entrepreneurial themes explored are human-computer interfaces and cloud enterprise services for 3D immersive experiences, where Januor is pitched as a viable alternative technology to Amazon Web Services. Given my background in Product Interactivity and Operations and Design of Hybrid Teams and Remote Work Spaces, I take inspiration from work I've done with clients such as Second Life, and IMVU to build applications that gives users opportunities to collectively interact in emerging experiences within their ZIP Code and beyond. Impact of Artificial Intelligence on sum of interactivity in society and NFT as a unit of welfare economics enabling monetization of applications of TensorFlow is another theme that is explored.