Hand Gesture with Machine Learning

My Role

My Team

Machine Learning • Web Browser Interaction • ML4A • ML5 • Javascript
Wished for NYC Media Lab award.



The code part was tricky, as soon as the fingers and palm were mapped onto to the camera, using a Machine Learning library, it was an invisible mouse, with which events in the browser (javascript) could be created. And here you go, I invented the idea of a bass drop sound, and a guitar riff sound, with two different gestures, like rock-paper-scissors, three different sounds had to trigger. I succeeded in getting off the bass drop to rock-gesture. Being a musician and a fan of DJ music, I think this technology can be adapted at raves and music festivals like Ultra Miami, and Coachella!

Key contributions
We experimented with hand gesture and facial recognition technology and were tasked to make web-based applications that would have a meaningful interaction. With all the magical stuff we do in our HCI program Interactive Telecommunications Program, this was yet another exciting opportunity to make fun tech stuff happen.
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Machine Learning • Web Browser Interaction • ML4A • ML5 • Javascript

The code part was tricky, as soon as the fingers and palm were mapped onto to the camera, using a Machine Learning library, it was an invisible mouse, with which events in the browser (javascript) could be created. And here you go, I invented the idea of a bass drop sound, and a guitar riff sound, with two different gestures, like rock-paper-scissors, three different sounds had to trigger. I succeeded in getting off the bass drop to rock-gesture. Being a musician and a fan of DJ music, I think this technology can be adapted at raves and music festivals like Ultra Miami, and Coachella!