What were the objectives of this class?
We started off with a self-portrait and went onto socket.io based communication, and there on built upon Audio./Video feed over the browser. However this "Zoom" equivalent browser experience wasn't limited to that, we also discussed limitations and applications of WebRTC, and discussed aspects of surveillance. This was a great class that built on simple-peer.js and a complete coding applications experience with Shawn.
What aspects of this course were the most important or helpful to you?
Talking through the feedback and utilizing it to come up with new versions of a full-stack-web-audio-video app was really helpful. Shawn has a very nice way of talking through and discussing class projects, and it is really helpful to go back to the feedback and keep improving your product.
Which aspects of the course could be improved upon?
I think if we include a week on taking a serious look into Zoom Bots, and which bots we could use on our Live-Web applications to integrate with a commercially popular Audio/Video product, that'd be awesome.
To help future students find this class please give us hashtags that describe the class - thanks!
#Shawn-the-mighty #Live-Web-Connect #Zoom-clone #WebRTC #Sockets.io @Simplepeer.js #notboring
For the instructor, recommendations
That's a great Shawn signature class. I would revisit this in future and keep on applying scripts, and coding chops in my work. Great class to build up on interest in over the browser interactions. I wanted to create a MOOC and I think I have a prototype for it, albiet with a nose-draw. Awesome!
What were the objectives of this class?
We started off with a self-portrait and went onto socket.io based communication, and there on built upon Audio./Video feed over the browser. However this "Zoom" equivalent browser experience wasn't limited to that, we also discussed limitations and applications of WebRTC, and discussed aspects of surveillance. This was a great class that built on simple-peer.js and a complete coding applications experience with Shawn.
What aspects of this course were the most important or helpful to you?
Talking through the feedback and utilizing it to come up with new versions of a full-stack-web-audio-video app was really helpful. Shawn has a very nice way of talking through and discussing class projects, and it is really helpful to go back to the feedback and keep improving your product.
Which aspects of the course could be improved upon?
I think if we include a week on taking a serious look into Zoom Bots, and which bots we could use on our Live-Web applications to integrate with a commercially popular Audio/Video product, that'd be awesome.
To help future students find this class please give us hashtags that describe the class - thanks!
#Shawn-the-mighty #Live-Web-Connect #Zoom-clone #WebRTC #Sockets.io @Simplepeer.js #notboring
For the instructor, recommendations
That's a great Shawn signature class. I would revisit this in future and keep on applying scripts, and coding chops in my work. Great class to build up on interest in over the browser interactions. I wanted to create a MOOC and I think I have a prototype for it, albiet with a nose-draw. Awesome!